Collect Data
Quantify Naloxone sourcing, app downloads and use, treatment and Naloxone searches, and overdose reversal reports in real time (no data lag time, data are current as they occur in the app by end users).
OpiRescue offers subscription-based access to a secure, HIPAA-compliant backend database where agencies and organizations can:
Quantify Naloxone sourcing, app downloads and use, treatment and Naloxone searches, and overdose reversal reports in real time (no data lag time, data are current as they occur in the app by end users).
Generate reports “on demand” regarding app downloads and use, treatment and Naloxone searches, and overdose reversal reports and outcomes, in any desired format (.csv, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, etc.).
Send alerts or “push notifications” to their client base or geographic region (e.g., the date of an upcoming awareness event, an alert regarding a fentanyl spike, etc.)
Curate (edit) their own record in the treatment, Naloxone, or resources section of the app, or (if a licensed county or state agency) curate (add/edit) the records of any treatment centers, naloxone locations, or other resources in their county or state, to make them more current and complete.
Annual subscriptions to myDataHub start at:
per year
per year
per year
Specific pricing information is available on request, and we work with several state agencies, county agencies, and client serving organizations to implement statewide programs (references available).
OpiRescue offers organizations a way to have their own, custom version of the app. Benefits include:
A myOpiRescue subscription lets agencies and organizations customize the OpiRescue app for client base or geographic region with branded elements, including their logo and brand colors, and app name.
OpiRescue provides each agency/organization with their own unique QR code. With a myOpiRescue subscription, when that QR code is scanned by anyone, the agency or organization’s own branded version of the app is pulled up.
Custom branding a myOpiRescue app makes it more “local” and trusted by end users. The organization/client relationship is where the most value lies, and the customized app helps build on that relationship.
The time to launch a branded myOpiRescue app is days — not weeks or months — so a custom version can be deployed cost-effectively and rapidly by any nonprofit client serving organization, or county or state agency. Agencies and organizations are able to provide both a helpful easy-to-use app and a powerful back-end database at a fraction of the cost that developing a custom app internally or by RFP would.
Custom versions of the OpiRescue app start at:
(one time cost)
(one time cost)
(one time cost)
Specific pricing information is available on request, and we work with several state agencies, county agencies, and client serving organizations to implement statewide programs (references available).